CostMasters’s Costing software provides the features that will help you in Costings of parts and it easily maintains the database of your costing, here you can define the parts in the categories and save it costing in a different way as well you categories your cost of Commodities like Aluminium Price in India and Commodity Price Forecasting.
In the image, you can see the salient features of our software that will help you in the costing. Here we will manage everything that you are facing problems in the costing of commodities like BOM Creation and Cost Compilation, Emphasis on RM Cost Calculation, Detailed process cost estimation capability, and so on. You can check the CIR Report on a monthly basis where we publish the data on more than 140 commodities like Ferrous metals Non-Ferrous metals and we track the Prices like Steel Price Forecasting, Should cost analysis and also we are working on our new product name as Spend Analysis where you can upload your data and it will show you the calculation in the graph format you can check the calculation like Scrap Price in India and Pig Iron Prices In India.